Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Let go

A mentor of mine taught me that it is not change to something new that is a problem, it is letting go of the old.  This is true of me.  There are some things from the past that I thought I had let go and, in thinking about them recently, realize I had not.  I'm ready now. Why? I've been working hard mentally to be present in what I am doing, whether it be at work, at home or in the company of family and friends.  I've stopped romanticizing the aspects of my past that were unfulfilling and understating the experiences that have made me better (my mistakes).

It is often a difficult accepting the past in a realistic way to inform a positive, productive present.  It's not perfect, and I am dedicated to working on it as part of living every day positively and in gratitude.  In being open to change - new friends, new approaches to break old habits, new ways to start my days enthusiastically, sharing an attitude of fun and appreciation - I have been able to bring in the new by making space where the old things used to be.  Everything looks and feels so much better.